Slowbeer 40HL
Fully automatic, high-performance solution, configurable according to needs and fully modular.
Possibility of performing from 4 to 11 cycles of 4.000lt.
Ideal for breweries with an international projection.
Fully automatic, high-performance solution, configurable according to needs and fully modular.
Possibility of performing from 4 to 11 cycles of 4.000lt.
Ideal for breweries with an international projection.
Fully automatic, high-performance solution, configurable according to needs and fully modular.
Possibility of performing from 4 to 11 cycles of 4.000lt.
Ideal for breweries with an international projection.
Capacity: 40HL
Heat source: steam
Number of daily cycles: 4-11
Modular and customizable system
Fully automated with valves and sensors
Separate CIP system for each tank
Possibility of continuous firing, from 4 to 11 firings per day depending on the configuration
Maceration and filtration tanks (together or separate depending on configuration)
Water tanks
Hopper for malt hydration
Boiling vat and whirlpool (together or separate depending on configuration)
Centrifugal pump
Touch control panel
Plate heat exchanger
Automatic process collector
Stainless steel support and platform
Malt hopper 2.860lt / 3.965lt / 1.700lt
How is continuous firing performed?
Thanks to the design of these baking rooms, the concept of continuous baking can be applied, the equipment works continuously throughout the day. The number of cycles depends on the plant configuration.
SB40HL 2 vats: the equipment is composed of 2 vats, when the wort passes from vat 1 (mashing and filtering) to vat 2 (boiling and whirlpool) a second batch can be introduced in vat 1. 4 cycles / day.
SB40HL 3 tanks: the equipment is composed of 3 tanks, when the wort passes from tank 1 (mashing and filtering) to tank 2 (boiling) a second batch can be introduced in tank 1. Tank 3 dedicated to the whirlpool allows to quickly empty the boiling tank 2. 6 cycles / day
SB40HL 4 vats: the equipment consists of 4 vats, when the wort passes from vat 1 (mashing) to vat 2 (filtering) a second batch can be introduced in vat 1. Vats 3 and 4 dedicated respectively to boiling and whirlpool allow to improve the daily yield. 8 cycles / day
SB40HL 5 tanks: the unit consists of 5 tanks, thanks to the parallel configuration it is possible to carry out 2 simultaneous firings sharing the whirlpool tank. 11 cycles / day